Bus to El Triunfo | El Salvador
MTDateHeader>June 14, 2009

Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tri-X
So I asked the cobrador twice to tell me when we reached El Triunfo so I'd know where to transfer. I certainly HEARD him say yes. But when we arrived at the junction, he jumped off and allowed a crowd of food vendors to fill the aisle. This sweet woman helpfully asked the vendors if we were in El Triunfo.
I pushed past the women with some difficulty, then required the driver to clamber out the passenger-side door to get my backpack, and as I was racing across the Panamerican Highway to catch the next bus, I saw the cobrador chilling on the corner. He barely nodded as if it to say, "hey...haven't I seen you somewhere before?" Thanks, dude.