JJ @ Shoot the Freak | Coney Island
MTDateHeader>September 15, 2009

Olympus OM-2N | Tri-X
21-year-old JJ is from Bed-Stuy, currently working for his seventh summer at Shoot the Freak. He was the freak for three years, he's an occasional barker, he helped build Beer Island, but he seems most comfortable kicking back with customers, collecting money and setting up the guns. Thanks to his experience, he's in charge whenever Tommy's not around.
Of all the jobs available in New York to a teenager, why Shoot the Freak--nearly an hour's commute from home? JJ laughed when I asked, saying he could never work in a fast-food joint due to the way his teachers disparaged them. A friend helped him get a job at STF, which paid a great wage in comparison.
He'd like to go to college someday. Maybe. He needs more time to think about it.