Stranger in a strange land | Prospect Heights
MTDateHeader>August 24, 2007

Canon A630
After living in Prospect Heights more than a year, I thought I was pretty familiar with the neighborhood. Then one day I was mystified to spot a trio of monks strolling down Sterling; two elderly and one young, clad in brilliant red robes. I Google-obsessed over it for the next couple weeks until I finally hit upon the combination of words that found the Burmese Universal Peace Buddha Temple of New York. Since then I've spotted the monks a few times, wandering among the brownstones and more commercial areas of the neighborhood.
I don't know if the monks live here full-time (and I just never saw them before) or if they are on a long-term visit this summer. Until I get a chance to visit the temple (unmarked from the outside), I enjoy imagining them meditating in Prospect Park, rifling through books in the Brooklyn library, and shopping for lentils at The Met.