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Ashin Nyaninda | IBMO


May 17, 2010


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Neopan 1600 | Fomaspeed Variant III RC
International Burmese Monks Organization

After the Saffron Uprising, 36-year-old Ashin Nyaninda continued teaching his political defiance classes to 100-130 students. Despite pressure to cease from the government and from his abbot, he felt it was his cause to keep people free from fear.

One of his faithful supporters saw his photo posted around Mandalay with urgings from the goverment to turn him in, and begged him to hide. One week later, he was on his way to Thailand in civilian clothes.

He dreams of a day when Burma will be free, and is desperate for suggestions for making that happen. For now, the IBMO raises awareness about the plights of monks, nuns and laypeople who were tortured, imprisoned or killed during the demonstrations in an effort to increase international pressure on the junta.

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