July 29th flood: Prasawithi Road | Mae Sot, Thailand

Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tri-x
On July 29th, one of Mae Sot's overflowing reservoirs was released after six days of heavy rain. Water poured through the center of town, turning one of the major roads (Prasawithi) into a rushing river. Power was lost in some areas for half a day, while running water was lost for nearly 3 days in some parts of town.
Meanwhile, the River Moei--the border between Thailand and Myanmar--also overflowed and flooded the Thai side's border market and caused severe damages on the Myanmar side, slightly downhill of the Thai side. Many people in Myawaddy and further into Myanmar's Karen State are still homeless. Food and water sources have been destroyed or contaminated.
If you would like help residents of Karen State, you can donate to the Emergency Assistance and Relief Team, comprised of Backpack Health Workers' Team, Karen Women's Organization, and the renowned Mae Tao Clinic. Please go to this link for information on bank transfers and funding distribution.
More info:
Myawaddy/Karen State flooding
Mae Sot flooding