" /> NANCY CHUANG PHOTOGRAPHY: February 2011 Archives

February 4, 2011

Toy-making workshop | Pho Phra, Thailand


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji 800Z
One of the dorms in the village where we held the workshop. The kids are teaching themselves to weave on backstrap looms.

Borderline Collective was asked to run a toy-making workshop for a Karen village school supported by Little Lotus Project. We're hoping this fun after-school activity is able to turn a small profit for the kids.

Please visit Borderline Collective's website and Facebook page.

Toy-making workshop | Pho Phra, Thailand


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji 800Z
Borderline Collective was asked to run a toy-making workshop for a Karen village school supported by Little Lotus Project. We're hoping this fun after-school activity is able to turn a small profit for the kids.

Please visit Borderline Collective's website and Facebook page.

Toy-making workshop | Pho Phra, Thailand


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji 800Z
Borderline Collective was asked to run a toy-making workshop for a Karen village school supported by Little Lotus Project. We're hoping this fun after-school activity is able to turn a small profit for the kids.

Please visit Borderline Collective's website and Facebook page.
