" /> NANCY CHUANG PHOTOGRAPHY: October 2009 Archives

October 8, 2009

Arepas con queso | Salento, Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Pro 400H
Arepas are a mixed bag. Some are great, some are hockey pucks that come as an afterthought with your meal. And sometimes the difference is subtle. Apparently arepas DE queso are thick patties with cheese mixed into the masa. Dry and flavorless. Arepas CON queso are thin, grilled crispy, slathered with butter and topped with cheese. Inhaled one nearly every day while in Salento.

The cook was really proud to have her photo taken. This young customer was completely over it.

Salento | Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Pro 400H

Conversation | Salento, Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Pro 400H
The guy on the right shines shoes, and waved sweetly every time he saw me.

Dogtown | Salento, Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Agfa APX 100
Warm greetings from Salento.

On the way to Cocora | Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Plus-X
Cramped little jeep, but at least WE had seats.

Valle de Cocora | Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak 400UC
Genuine grass-fed beef.

Valle de Cocora | Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak 400UC

October 6, 2009

Crossing Rio Quindio | Salento, Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Plus-X
Robert and Corina from Switzerland.

Hernan at El Ocaso | Salento, Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tri-X
Hernan has managed El Ocaso coffee farm for the last 7 months, and worked at the farm in other capacities for 4 years prior. His wife cooks in the comedor, although I'm unclear if she worked there previously or only since Hernan became manager and moved into the plantation house (regular workers come from further away).

The workers have to pay for meals, it's not included in their salary. Unfortunately, Hernan's wife's cooking is only fair at best. We bought lunch from her since we were out all day and hadn't brought food.

Salento | Colombia


Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tri-X
