Slick like dat | 14th & 7th st station

Olympus Trip 35 | Kodak 400UC
More from the Trip 35 first test roll. I love that some people still wear outfits, you know?
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Olympus Trip 35 | Kodak 400UC
More from the Trip 35 first test roll. I love that some people still wear outfits, you know?
Olympus Trip 35 | Kodak 400UC
Purchased a $20 Olympus Trip 35 at this flea market, to add to my arsenal of Olympus products. With a nonfunctioning OM-10, a deeply-adored OM-2N, and a Stylus Epic, I am clearly Olympus' bitch. This is from the first test roll.
Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tmax 400
I recently discovered that I had a roll of Tmax 400 in my bulk loader, which I haven't used in years...I cannot believe I didn't know it was still loaded. The film can't be much younger than 14 years and has developed some crazy grain. It's fun experimenting but I doubt I'd take it traveling.
Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tmax 400
I recently discovered that I had a roll of Tmax 400 in my bulk loader, which I haven't used in years...I cannot believe I didn't know it was still loaded. The film can't be much younger than 14 years and has developed some crazy grain. It's fun experimenting but I doubt I'd take it traveling.
Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tmax 400
I recently discovered that I had a roll of Tmax 400 in my bulk loader, which I haven't used in years...I cannot believe I didn't know it was still loaded. The film can't be much younger than 14 years and has developed some crazy grain. It's fun experimenting but I doubt I'd take it traveling.
Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Tmax 3200
I don't like this film. First try, very few usable results.
Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Portra 400NC
The Buddhist Missionary Society is led by a Rakhine monk, thus the Thingyan celebration held at nearby P.S. 222 featured mon di. Mon di is the Rakhine answer to Myanmar's ubiquitous mohinga, plus spice, minus peanuts.
Not surprisingly, the people of this temple were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and eager to talk about travels in their homeland.
Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Pro 800Z
The Buddhist Missionary Society is led by a Rakhine monk, thus the Thingyan celebration held at nearby P.S. 222 featured mon di. Mon di is the Rakhine answer to Myanmar's ubiquitous mohinga, plus spice, minus peanuts.
Not surprisingly, the people of this temple were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and eager to talk about travels in their homeland.
Olympus OM-2N | Kodak Portra 400NC
The Buddhist Missionary Society is led by a Rakhine monk, thus the Thingyan celebration held at nearby P.S. 222 featured mon di. Mon di is the Rakhine answer to Myanmar's ubiquitous mohinga, plus spice, minus peanuts.
Not surprisingly, the people of this temple were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and eager to talk about travels in their homeland.
Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Pro 800Z
The Buddhist Missionary Society is led by a Rakhine monk, thus the Thingyan celebration held at nearby P.S. 222 featured mon di. Mon di is the Rakhine answer to Myanmar's ubiquitous mohinga, plus spice, minus peanuts.
Not surprisingly, the people of this temple were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and eager to talk about travels in their homeland.
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