Palaung dance | Kyaukme, Myanmar
MTDateHeader>January 24, 2009

Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Reala
Briefly back in Kyaukme after a steep hike from Who Quit to the road and hitchhiking on a speedy cargo truck back to town. On the outskirts we saw a large group of girls in Palaung dress and screamed for the truck to stop but the driver couldn't hear us over the noise. Suddenly we hit a tractor. No one was injured, although the tractor had seen better days, and we took the opportunity to disembark.
The girls were going around to Palaung homes in Kyaukmecomplete with a map detailing all the Palaung familiessinging and dancing for donations. With the donations they would throw a spectacular New Year's party in their village on January 4th.