Ferry food | on the way to Sittwe

Olympus OM-2N | Fuji Reala
Selling fried treats on one of the two stops the government "steamer" makes on the way back to Sittwe. In contrast to the boat I'd taken to Mrauk U with about 10 people and 3-4 crew, the steamer was huge and fully packed, chairs pushed up against both sides of the aisles, people sitting on the ground and standing on the stairs. I'm not sure how the vendors even found room for themselves.
The fried stuff in the basket was really tasty, if overly greasy. I really just wanted one but he didn't have change so I ended up with three. Empanada-shaped, they had glutinous rice (like mochi) coating the inside, filled with a wad of sweetened shredded coconut.