Prospect Park | Brooklyn

Canon A630
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Canon A630
Canon A630
Canon A630
In the 20 de Noviembre mercado. These squash flowers went into delicious quesadillas.
Canon A630
Canon A630
This little girl was already training to card wool. She was shy at first but once she saw photos of herself on my camera she started grinning and telling me I was beautiful.
Canon A630
Canon A630
Not only did he weave the rugs...he had built the loom.
Canon A630
We stopped by a home in Tlacolulu to watch a family demonstrate how they make rugs...obviously the goal was that we would buy some rugs. But it was really low pressure, the family was sweet, and the rugs were beautiful...we did not feel manipulated at all. It was amazing to watch the grandmother spinning the yarn...I gave it a shot and have to say...really tough work!
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Reala
A thoughtful bit of graffiti contributed by the local health authorities.
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Reala 100
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