View from Galata Bridge | Istanbul

Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak Gold 400
After 4 days of clouds, drizzles and teasing sunshine, we departed Istanbul on the most gorgeous, warm and sunny day.
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Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak Gold 400
After 4 days of clouds, drizzles and teasing sunshine, we departed Istanbul on the most gorgeous, warm and sunny day.
Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak 400CN
This pretty girl was more than happy to pose for our cameras. Not sure if she was just giddy to be the star or if the ferry was a rare experience for her, but she couldn't sit still...constantly jumping up to gaze at the Istanbul skyline, then grinning for us.
The fake fur was stylin' as well.
Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak 400CN
These kids (most likely brother and sister) stormed us as we wended our way down from Suleymaniye mosque high on its hill. Laughing and shouting, they aimed their toy guns at us and fired away joyfully. Weird. Got a couple shots of them posing with their guns but I liked this close-up the most.
Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak 400CN
Narrow street filled with fishmongers in Kadikoy, on the Asian side of Istanbul. It was like Istanbul's Queens.
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Superia 400
Wish I could have shot this from the front. Women in headscarves, outside the mosques, are an overwhelming minority in Westernized Istanbul. Even women who do choose religious modesty still flaunt personal style through their choices of scarves.
Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak Gold 800
None of us could bring ourselves to go through the hassle of lugging a glass lamp on the plane, but every lamp shop entranced us nonetheless.
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Superia 400
I knew my friends well enough to know a sale was imminent, but the salesperson didn't...they kept asking for different colors and sizes and running him around. It was slow season and early in the day, and there weren't many other tourists besides us to hassle. He seemed on edge still, waiting for the exchange of actual money.
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Superia 400
Only in Istanbul would a mosque completed in 1663 be referred to as the "new mosque."
Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak Gold 800
$4 for bottled POM? Try 4YTL ($3) for fresh-squeezed, including juicy seeds!
Well, outside of the old city it should be less but it was worth it, every drop delicious.
Olympus Stylus Epic | Kodak Gold 800
Underground cistern.
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