Umayyad Mosque | Damascus

Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
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Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Superia 100
A young girl runs excitedly through Aleppo's beautiful citadel while cloaked relatives keep a close eye on her from the shadows.
Olympus OM-10 | Fuji Superia 100
There are more impressive "dead cities" (ghost towns) around Syria, but since I couldn't afford to go alone, I tagged along with a couple who wanted to see this one. The tortoise may have been the most interestin part.
Olympus OM-10| Kodak Gold 200
Drove into a whole herd of animals during my tour of the Aleppo region. I was so charmed by this straggler group of small children with small horses.
Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
The most famous and best-preserved church in the Open-Air Museum, the Dark Church requires an additional 5YTL to enter...unless you are a woman traveling alone giving the guards a big smile.
Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
One of many gorgeous frescoed ceilings found in cave churches throughout Cappadocia. The largest concentration of these churches is in the Open-Air Museum near Goreme, a veritable wonderland of weird peaks and tufa homes.
Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
One of many gorgeous frescoed ceilings found in cave churches throughout Cappadocia. The largest concentration of these churches is in the Open-Air Museum near Goreme, a veritable wonderland of weird peaks and tufa homes.
Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200
Olympus OM-10 | Kodak Gold 200